Jeainny Kim


A Reader’s Heaven: City Lights Bookstore

Whenever I travel to a new city, I sternly tell myself, “no more books.” Inevitably, my willpower escapes me, and I find myself on Google Maps, searching for “bookstores near me.” This is the way I came across the incredible gem City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco.

The three-story bookstore’s shelves were filled with carefully curated books, with thoughtful recommendations from the staff. The recommendations did not disappoint either. The collection did include mass-published books. But I also found plenty of niche books that I had read about, but were not in large print enough to feel accessible. Holding a rare book and riffling through its pages, I was enchanted. I clutched my finds and did not let go until they were paid for.

I also always appreciate curation that spotlights minority authors. Enough real estate was dedicated to female and other minority authors that their presence did not feel like an afterthought. Be warned, this store is magical. It has a way of slipping many a book into your bag and leading you to splurge to take them all home.

travelJeainny Kim